丹尼斯·墨菲·格伯 查看所有bwin体育


  • 市场营销
  • 国际业务
  • 企业管理
  • 商务沟通
  • 商业道德
  • 沟通伦理
  • 公众演讲


  • Ph.D. 交际与修辞研究,迪肯大学
    • 重点领域:整合营销、传播和道德
  • M.S. 管理学,1993年,国立路易斯大学
  • B.S. 工商管理,1984年,克莱里昂大学


  • 总线110 -商业基础
  • 总线115 -商业通讯
  • BUS 220 -个人理财
  • BUS 314 -国际商务
  • 在亚洲/中国经商的经验
  • BUS 317 -在南美/阿根廷经商 & 巴西的经验
  • 市场营销原理
  • BUS 336 -风险管理
  • 总线419 -管理见解
  • 市场研究
  • 总线421 -广告和促销
  • 总线422 -销售和销售管理
  • BUS 424 -国际市场营销
  • 总线425 -消费者行为
  • 总线428 -战略营销
  • BUS 491 -德国/奥地利的商业和文化
  • BUS 493 -商业实习
  • BUS 640 -营销管理
  • 总线641 -买方行为
  • BUS 645 -高级广告和促销
  • COM 101 -通讯原理
  • 公共演讲
  • COM 320 -工作坊及研讨会策划及促进
  • SPM 205 -体育管理实习
  • spm320 -体育营销


  • Panel Presenter at the 2019 Christian Business Faculty Association's Annual Conference. 小组讨论主题:“跨商业学科的信仰整合”."
  • “Ethnic 市场营销 and IMC Challenges” presented at the Christian Business Faculty Associations annual conference, 圣地亚哥, CA, 2017.
  • “Integrated 市场营销 Communication and Communitarian 市场营销 as a Biblically-Based Ethical Model for 市场营销 to Community.” – Was written and to be presented at the Christian Business Faculty Association’s annual conference, 查尔斯顿, SC, 2016.
  • Researched and prepared my part for a team presentation on the “Biblical Value of Work” using Hugh Whelchel’s Book, “How then Should We Work: Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work” with Fellow bwin体育大学 Colleagues Dr. 戈登•理查兹, 马特·弗斯教授和作家休·惠尔彻尔, 基督教商业bwin体育协会, 弗吉尼亚海滩, VA, 2015.
  • Faith Integration Paper – “Reforming 市场营销 in a Consumer World” presented to the bwin体育大学 Faculty Personnel Committee, 2015年秋季.
  • 会议介绍主持人, 基督教商bwin体育协会(CBFA)年会, 纳什维尔, TN, 2014年10月.
  • “International 市场营销: Yesterday and Today” presented to the local chapter of Kiwanis International monthly presentation/speaker series, 新威明顿, PA, 2013年12月.
  • 《bwin体育》 & Professional Communication” short course presented at the Eastern Communicator Association’s Annual Conference, 匹兹堡, PA, 2013年4月.
  • “Integrated 市场营销 Communication (IMC) and Ethnic Target 市场营销: A Communitarian Ethical Framework in Action” Dissertation presented to Duquesne University’s Communication and Rhetorical Studies Department, 学生及校友, 匹兹堡, PA, 2012年7月.
  • “A Communitarian Ethic as a Christian-Based Approach to 市场营销” integration paper topic proposal presented to the Faculty Personnel Committee, bwin体育大学, 海狸瀑布, PA, 2010年11月.
  • “Public Relations and Ceremonial Rhetoric as Propaganda: A Postmodern Rhetorical Analysis” presented at Duquesne University’s Communication and Rhetorical Studies Department Colloquia Series, 匹兹堡, PA, 2006年2月.
  • 《bwin体育》?” presented at the 2005 Eastern Communication Association Annual Conference – Student Papers on Diversity Session, 匹兹堡, PA, 2005年4月.
  • “商业道德: The Rhetoric and Ethics of Public Relations in the Marketplace,” presented as partial requirements for Duquesne University’s 沟通伦理 course, 2005.
  • “Public Relations and Ceremonial Rhetoric as Propaganda: A Postmodern Rhetorical Analysis” presented as partial requirements for Duquesne University’s Rhetoric of the Marketplace course, 2005.
  • “Bakhtin’s Heteroglossia in the Marketplace: A Framework for Social Ethical Discourse,” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Contemporary Rhetorical Theory course, 2005.
  • “St. 奥古斯丁:谎言和慈善的双重法则,” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Communication and Religion course, 2005.
  • 《bwin体育》?” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Rhetoric and Philosophy of Intercultural Communication course, 2004.
  • 《墨西哥亡灵节的修辞,” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Rhetoric and Philosophy of Intercultural Communication course, 2004.
  • “Intercultural 沟通伦理: Otherness and Inbetween-ness”, presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s 沟通伦理 course, 2004.
  • 米歇尔·福柯:一本知识分子传记,” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s 沟通伦理 course, 2004.
  • 马赛克艺术:美学或修辞?” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Rhetoric of the Humanities course, 2004.
  • 《哈利·波特与成人礼,” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Rhetorical Criticism course, 2004.
  • 后现代教育学:教学伦理与处理多样性,由劳里·莫罗主持, Mark Craig and Leigh Burgess at the 2003 Pennsylvania Communication Association Annual Conference – State College, PA, 2003年10月.
  • “交换理论与人际交往”,” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Rhetoric and Philosophy of Interpersonal Communication course, 2003.
  • “符号学, 共享意义与人际沟通,” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Evidence course, 2003.
  • “什么是符号学??” presented with Susan Malcolm as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Evidence course, 2003.
  • 真理还是解释学?” presented as partial requirement for Duquesne University’s Philosophy of Communication course, 2003.


  • 临时系主任(2016-2018)
  • bwin体育秘书(2014-至今)
  • Business and Accounting Internship Program Manager (2007 - present)
  • NCAAbwin体育体育代表(2009年至今)
  • Member, Faculty Personnel and Development Committee (2008 - 2011)


奖 & 区别了

  • 《高管和专业人士学术名人录》,2011年
  • 金钥匙荣誉协会,2009年
  • Property and Casualty Insurance License, Pennsylvania Department of Insurance, 2003 - present.
  • 生活, Accident and Health Insurance License, Pennsylvania Department of Insurance, 2003-present.
  • Cambridge Who′s Who Among Executives, Professionals and Entrepreneurs, 1999
  • 《1993年大学生名人录
  • 注册信息系统审计师(CISA)执照, 信息系统与控制协会, 1992.


  • 美国市场营销协会,2007年至今.
  • 美国管理协会,2007年至今.
  • National Association of Professional Women (NAPW), 2009 - present.
  • 基督教商业bwin体育协会(CBFA), 2008年至今.
  • 商业和职业女性(BPW), 2008 - 2016.
  • 全国女性高管协会(NAFE), 1999 - 2014年.
  • 全国通信协会(NCA), 2004 - 2014年.
  • 东方传播协会(ECA), 2004年至今.
  • 宾州通讯协会(PCA), 2004年至今.
  • Information Systems, Audit and Control Association (ISACA), 1995 - 2012.


  • 新威尔明顿长老会的成员
  • K-9运输和救援志愿者
  • 彩色玻璃工匠和讲师
  • Creative Memories Album Making Consultant – “Scrapbooking 生活′s Precious Moments”
  • 苏格兰历史-我的家族特有-拉蒙特家族
  • 户外水塘园艺
  • Precious Pets:  Harley and Abby (Springer Spaniels) and Mi Amour and Mr. 布巴(外汇储备)


Dr. Murphy-Gerber presented “Ethnic 市场营销 and IMC Challenges” at the Christian Business Faculty Associations annual conference in 圣地亚哥, 2017年CA.
Dr. Murphy-Gerber was a panel presenter at the 2019 Christian Business Faculty Association's Annual Conference. The panel topic was "Faith Integration Across the Business Disciplines."
Dr. Murphy-Gerber led a group of students on a study abroad trip to Ireland and Scotland in the spring of 2022.

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